Apr 30, 2013

Green Thumb or Just Dumb?

I remember in High School my Mom was always outdoors working on our yard, and as much as she would ask me to help her, I would do anything to stay out of the dirt. Back then I much preferred buying new shoes to getting my hands dirty. 

Now that I'm older and Mike and I rent our own home, interior decorating and remodeling has become something I actually enjoy. Living in the city is something I would never give up, but what I sacrifice in return is not having a yard to decorate or landscape. Luckily, Mike and I found an apartment in the fall of last year with a decent sized porch, which is rare where we live, and because we moved in after summer was over, we never utilized it in 2012. Now that Spring is upon us, we've been coming up with ideas of how we want to spruce up our little outdoor oasis, and greenery is one way we think we can make a huge difference. 

Now, I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing when it comes to gardening, but I decided to wing it. I ran over to Walmart this week and picked up a few cheap items to practice with. I figure if they work out, great, if they don't, no hard feelings. Except for from the plants, because I think they'll be a little peeved. 

I found some bright colored pots for less than a dollar each, two bags of soil for a dollar each, and I bought a dollars worth of twenty cent seed packets in random flowers. On my way out I spotted an herb growing kit for only four dollars, which I couldn't pass up. Just the thought of not having to buy herbs every time Mike and I cook made me giddy. Now I just have to make sure I don't kill them. 

My theory is that I just have to water these babies and try not to emotionally abuse them until they sprout. 

"Your brother grew 2cm this week. Why can't you be more like him?"

My Mom gave me some hanging plants for our porch which we hung, and I think they look beautiful, but really only because I didn't have to do any work. 

We just scored a few outdoor furniture pieces from an auction this week, so once those are refurbished, I'll post some pictures! 

Until next time, stay green! 

Sincerely, Aspen. 

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