Apr 4, 2013

Introduction to Insanity

I suppose this is where I introduce myself. My name is Aspen Victoria, I am 23 years old and I live in the beautiful state of Maine. Now that the formalities are over, I can tell you that I love sharks, have a fear of silence and am crippled by the cuteness of any puppy. That pretty much sums me up. 

Just kidding, I'm a girl, you can't do that. 

For most of my life I felt bad for myself, and I hate to admit that. I woke up every day dreading what would go wrong rather than being excited about the things that could go right, and further more, not looking for the good in events or people, but picking apart those events and people until I couldn't bare to think about them. I was one of those people, yes those people, who thought that nothing was my fault, and anything that came my way was out of my control. I wish I could go back and punch myself, but then again, the new me wouldn't do that. 

My opinion on life, and myself, changed when I met Mike (my boyfriend of two years). Now I know that "they" say no one can change you, and Mike didn't, but he did make me take a look at who I was and I realized that I wasn't at all who I wanted to be. Mike helped change my outlook on life with his positive energy, forward thinking and caring composure, and I thank him every morning when I wake up with a smile on my face. 

Are you gagging yet? Hold on, there's more. 

Mike and I started a company in 2011, focusing on marketing businesses in our area as well as spreading the word that the city we live in is an amazing place with so much to offer. It sounds boring, but it's the most amazing thing I think I've ever done, and it brings me joy every day to be doing what I love with the man I love. 

Okay, now you can barf. 

Although I love our business, I find it hard to settle myself on one thing. I have so many hobbies, and so many interests, that I can barely keep my mind focused on one thing before I'm running for the next. I think I take after my Mom in that aspect, that woman is on more committees, has started more businesses and organized more events than I think one person should physically be capable of doing. She is one incredible woman that I consider my best friend. 

My Dad is a rocking guitar legend from way back, who now owns a recording studio in Vermont, and I grew up wanting to be like him in so many ways. I write music almost daily, and I may be too terrified to perform in front of anyone now, but I plan on working through that this year. Mike, my boyfriend, is a drummer, or as he calls it, a "musician". (Just kidding!) My Dad always told me growing up that he would support any man that I fell in love with, as long as he didn't play the drums. (I guess guitar players have a thing against drummers. I think it's because drummers get more chicks.) Luckily, my Dad and Mike get along really well. 

My other passion, is fashion. (Not rhyming, surprisingly). You may think, "You're a girl, of course you love shoes and makeup!" Well, I'm different! No, actually I'm not, I just obsess over fashion at a much larger scale than most women would ever admit. I've had big dreams to start blogging and making beauty videos for a long long time now, but something's been holding me back. My goal for the year of 2013 is to bust through those insecurities and force myself to do the things I've wanted to do for all of these years. 

I think that's all I can put into words now, and if you made it this far, what's wrong with you?

I'm joking, this is riveting stuff, I don't blame you. 

Until tomorrow, or next week, or four years from now when I find this by googling myself...

Stay fly.

Sincerely, Aspen

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