Apr 29, 2013

Road Trip: Bucksport, Maine at Sunset

Now that the sun has finally decided to stick around, Mike and I ventured out on a little road trip to bask in the warmer temperatures. One of our favorite things to do together is explore, and something about long trips in the car together, jamming to hip-hop or sitting in silence holding hands, has become a piece of who we are as a couple. 

I grew up in Maine, but I have not even come close to seeing the entire state, which I love! It's exciting to venture just an hour or two from home to stumble upon a place you had never seen or heard of before. I imagine it's how those British kids felt when they found Narnia in the wardrobe...except there's no lions or witches trying to kill you...unless you travel far up north towards Canada. 

A week or so ago, we drove the forty minute stretch of road from Bangor to Bucksport, Maine. Mike went to school in Bucksport and it was so exciting to drive around the town while he pointed out where he and his friends would play (get into trouble), his old house and some of the places he used to work. Watching someone relive memories as they tell you stories from their younger years is almost magical in a way, it's as if you can see inside of who they are just a little bit better, and feel a part of the life they led before they met you. 

We stopped at a tiny little drive up restaurant where Mike started working his first summer job as a teenager. We pulled up along loads of other cars packed with Bucksport locals waiting for their orders to be called from the little screen window that fronted the building. 

Here's a photo of Mike's burger! 

After devouring dinner, and before heading back to Bangor, we grabbed some ice cream at a cute little parlor. As we walked up to the tiny window to place our order, I noticed that all of the employees were young, all being in high school or their early twenties, and it reminded me of all of those books you read as a teenager on the beach or poolside about the kids who work in a tiny shop on the coast of Maine during their summer before college and how they all fall in love with each other. I know it's silly, but it made me smile. 

I'm so thankful that Spring has graced us with her presence, and I'm ready for, hopefully, dozens more road trips across my beloved state through out the next few months. 

Until next time -  

Sincerely, Aspen.

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