Sep 22, 2013

Birthday #24

Getting older is something that I've been having a hard time with. I'm only twenty-four but I feel like life is passing by way too fast and like I just can't hold onto it tight enough. 

For past birthday's I've tried to plan my special day out weeks and sometimes even months in advance, but they would never ever work out. My birthday had always come and disaster came right along with it, no matter how hard I tried to plan everything out down to the most minuscule details. 

This year I sat back and let the universe take the reigns, and you know what? It was perfect. 

Even though Mike and I had nothing planned for the day, I was wide awake by 7:30, and just in time because my phone rang as my feet  hit the floor. My annual birthday call from my grandparents. They never fail to ring me bright and early to make sure that I'm up and enjoying my day. We talked for awhile and by the time I was saying goodbye, Mike was peeking his sleepy-eyed face into the living room where he sang me Happy Birthday. 

We left the house to get Mike coffee and stop by my stepdad's work to pick up my present from him and my mom. Unwrapping the brown paper package the minute I got back into the car (because I couldn't possibly wait until I got home) I found a notebook, and to others that may seem like a funny birthday gift, but you'd have to really know my mom to understand. 

My mom has given notebooks as gifts for every occasion as long as I can remember, but it's not the notebook that's special, it's what's inside. I've been taught from a young age to never give someone a card or journal without taking the time to write something thoughtful or inspiring in it. You'll never receive a card from me with just a name signed at the bottom. 

The notebook started out with a letter from my mom on the first page, and then opening up to the next page I found a gift certificate with instructions to treat myself to a day of shopping. I opened to the next page to find another gift card...and another...and another...and another, until I reached a gift certificate for lunch where the cards ended. 

Later that day, I checked the mail when I heard the mailman's footsteps on the porch where there was a card from my dad (who lives in Vermont). Inside I found a gift certificate to his recording studio for four hours of free recording...another amazing birthday gift!

My parents definitely spoiled me this year.

Mike and I lounged around the house for a bit before heading to lunch. I was in the mood for Greek food, and we enjoyed a quiet meal out of town.

After lunch we drove to Bullmoose, our favorite place, to buy 'Sleepy Hollow'. We'd both been dying to see the movie again, and neither of us owned it already. We found a copy for seven dollars and then drove to Walmart where we picked up some ingredients for dinner and where I couldn't stop myself from buying a few acrylic paints for a new DIY project I'm working on. 

Mike cooked me an amazing dinner and we sat on the couch in our pajamas enjoying Johnny Depp's performance in Sleepy Hollow. It had been long enough since we had seen the movie that we both forgot the ending. 

This wasn't the kind of birthday where I paraded around the city wearing a sequin dress and binge drinking my way into a birthday was so much better than that. I can go out any night of the week, but having a calm relaxing day with the love of my life, snuggled up on the couch was exactly where I wanted to be, and you know what? It was the best birthday I've ever had. 

No planning. 

Until next time!

Sincerely, Aspen

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