Sep 15, 2013

My Bucket List

I'm a huge fan of lists. I make to do lists, grocery lists, lists of ideas and things I want to try, but I've never sat down and hammered out a 'Bucket List'...until today. At twenty-three years old there is so much I have yet to experience, and although this list is very very long, I really do plan to accomplish it all and blog about it in the process. I know this list will change frequently. I'll scratch some things off, and then tack some things on, but it's here, and these are my dreams laid out in text for all to read.

Here it is!

1. Host a theme party.
2. Take up voice lessons again.
3. Join/Start a band.
4. Perform at an open mic night in NYC.
5. Record a song.
6. Join/Start a sports team.
7. Make a viral web video.
8. Have a fundraiser.
9. Adopt a dog.
10. Travel somewhere alone.
11. Go on a cruise.
12. Start a travel scrapbook/journal.
13. Ride in a hot air balloon.
14. Buy a car made before 1980.
15. Live in NYC for a month (or more).
16. Drive to a different town and learn it in & out.
17. Eat dinner at a restaurant alone.
18. Go to a concert alone.
19. Get another degree. (In anything)!
20. Live in a downtown loft.
21. Buy a boat.
22. Get professional photos taken of myself.
23. Do a Boudoir shoot.
24. Pay for a stranger's meal at a restaurant.
25. Pay for someone else's groceries.
26. Name a star after my brother.
27. Take a dance class.
28. Be in a flash mob.
29. Give a speech.
30. Be the first one on the dance floor.
31. Master a difficult recipe & cook it for friends.
32. Learn sign language.
33. Start my own business. 
34. Invent something & patten it.
35. Write a book.
36. Be on (non-local) t.v.
37. Take a helicopter ride.
38. Go parasailing.
39. Touch a shark.
40. Swim with dolphins.
41. Zipline.
42. Learn to sail.
43. Snorkel.
44. Perform for tips in a large city.
45. Design a piece of clothing.
46. Visit random colleges.
47. Crash a party.
48. Run/Walk for charity.
49. Take a cooking class.
50. Have a picnic in the park.
51. Crash a lecture.
52. Gamble in Las Vegas.
53. Be an extra in a movie.
54. Be in a music video.
55. Beat a video game.
56. Read 100 books in a year.
57. Be on the front page of a newspaper.
58. Live in a different city.
59. Take a cross country road trip.
60. Win 'Trivia Night' at a bar.
61. Visit another country.
62. Be in a magazine.
63. Delete my facebook account.
64. Wear pink for the entire month of October. (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)
65. Be someone's mentor.
66. Bartend.
67. Take a yoga class.
68. Finish the '100 Beers' list at my local pub.
69. Brush up on geography.
70. Direct something.
71. Be in a bikini contest.
72. Ride on a jetski.
73. See Beyonce in concert.
74. Go to a Celtic's game.
75. Ride an elephant.
76. Ride a camel in Egypt.
77. Attend a masquerade ball.
78. Make my own street art.
79. Backpack Europe.
80. Go grape stomping.
81. Wine tasting at a vineyard.
82. See a Cirque de Solei show.
83. Visit the White House.
84. Drive a convertible.
85. Set a world record.
86. Pet a kangaroo.
87. Do the "No Pants Subway Ride"
88. Watch the ball drop in NYC.
89. Visit the Sydney Opera House.
90. Leave a note in a library book.
91. Run 'The Color Run'
92. Pay for a child's cleft lip surgery.
93. Make a documentary.
94. Start a YouTube channel.
95. Ride a gondola in Venice.
96. Visit a renaissance fair.
97. Visit and collect something from all 50 states.
98. Learn to play the piano.
99. Go to a blues bar in Chicago.
100. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
101. Go rock climbing.
102. Drive down Route 66.
103. Visit the San Diego zoo.
104. Go whale watching.
105. Visit Giraffe Manor.
106. Visit Coney Island.
107. Climb the Statue of Liberty.
108. Go to Oktoberfest in Germany.
109. Step foot inside a castle.
110. Go to the Tomorrowland festival.
111. Go to Coachella.
112. Learn to play poker.
113. Meet Seth Godin.
114. Own a piece of Banksy Art.
115. Shop on Rodeo Drive.
116. Research my Ancestry.
117. Flip a house or Apartment.
118. Help build a Habitat for Humanity home.
119. Donate blood.
120. Volunteer at an animal shelter.
121. Donate children's books to a hospital.
122. Get an article published in a newspaper or magazine.
123. Be in the audience of a t.v. show.
124. Ride a segway.
125. Have my portrait painted.
126. Participate in New York's Village Halloween Parade.
127. Visit Salem, Massachusetts on Halloween.
128. Ice skate at Rockefeller Center.
129. Bet at the Kentucky Derby.
130. Go to BlogWorld.
131. Go to a Broadway play.
132. Go to the Sundance Film Festival.
133. Be in a "Humans of New York" photo.
134. Go to a Hookah bar.
135. Visit Graceland.
136. Visit the Eiffel Tower.
137. Be on a talk show.
138. Interview someone famous.
139. Take a bar-tending class.
140. See the Mona Lisa in person.
141. Explore the Colosseum.
142. Hold a koala bear.
143. Explore the Redwood Forest.
144. Visit the Grand Canyon.
145. Go in a submarine.
146. Go to a TED Talk.
147. Get a massage at a spa.
148. Have a song written about me.
149. Celebrate St. Patty's day in Dublin.
150. Go to DisneyLand.
151. Make my own wine.
152. Throw or host a charity concert.
153. Host a fashion show.
154. Receive an award.
155. Be asked for my autograph.
156. Get a tattoo in memory of my brother.
157. Buy an air conditioner for someone in need.
158. Fly first class.
159. Experience zero gravity.
160. Shop at the Mall of America.
161. Throw a surprise party for someone.
162. Buy stock.
163. Rent a limo for an un-special occasion.
164. Sell a piece of my own art.
165. Horseback riding on the beach.
166. See the pyramids.
167. Join a disaster relief program.
168. Visit a ghost town.
169. See the Northern Lights.
170. Go "Zorbing".
171. Help someone cross an item off of their bucket list.
172. Try indoor skydiving.
173. Play laser tag.
174. See baby turtles hatch and run to the ocean.
175. Wear a shirt that says "Life" and hand lemons to everyone.
176. See the Golden Gate Bridge.
177. Go to Fashion Week in either NY or Paris.
178. Go to the top of the Empire State Building.
179. Go somewhere tropical for Spring Break.
180. Go to Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
181. Shoot a gun.
182. Go to the Super Bowl.
183. Walk on the Great Wall of China.
184. Meet Gerard Butler.
185. Be in two places at once.
186. Go behind a waterfall.
187. Shark cage diving.
188. Go to a drive in wearing and driving full 50's gear.
189. See Stonehenge.
190. Go to the Olympic Summer Games.
191. Meet Jenna Marbles.
192. Ride a mechanical bull.
193. Throw tomatoes at La Tomatina.
194. Get married.
195. Watch 100 documentaries in a year.
196. Go to a rooftop party.
197. Drive "The Great Ocean Road".
198. Visit the Ben & Jerry's factory.
199. Hunt for treasure with a metal detector.
200. Build a giant sandcastle.
201. Go through a haunted corn maze.
202. Watch a sunrise.
203. Rollerblade in Venice Beach.
204. See a famous comedian live.
205. Become a vegetarian (for at least a month).
206. Write an anonymous letter to someone saying how great they are.
207. Make and bury a time capsule.
208. Get a characacher drawn of myself.
209. Dress up fancy and walk around Time Square.
210. Slide down a water slide.
211. Go to a concert of a band/musician I've never heard of.
212. Release sky lanterns.
213. Learn how to use chopsticks.
214. Send a single friend flowers from 'an admirer'.
215. Contribute to someone's Kickstarter.
216. Get a book signed by the author.
217. Visit a farmer's market.
218. Ride in a horse drawn carriage.
219. Go to the movies alone.
220. Visit the Taj Mahal.
221. Attend a murder mystery party.
222. Dance on a bar.
223. Play roulette.
224. Leave a $100 tip.
225. Party at UVM Springfest.
226. Visit Santa Barbara.
227. Go to Aspen, Colorado.
228. Be someone's Maid of Honor.
229. Visit Boulder, Colorado.

Until next time!

Sincerely, Aspen

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