Sep 20, 2013

Fall Bucket List

I know that I said today would be my birthday post, but I forgot to take the pictures off of my camera before I went to work tonight, and Mike is using the camera at his gig in Downtown so the b-day post will have to wait one more day. (HUGE SIGH)

Instead, here's a list of all the things I want to do before fall ends! This is my favorite time of year, I can't get enough of it. Leave me a comment below and tell me some of the things you'll be adding and checking off of your fall bucket list!

1. Pick up coffee and a magazine for a friend. I love the idea of bringing one of my friends a steaming cup of coffee and a tabloid magazine while they're at work! 

2. Make Caramel Apples. I actually don't even like caramel apples, but they're so pretty!

3. Try a new hard cider. Confession: I have an addiction to hard ciders. Anytime Mike and I are out, I'm searching for one I haven't tried before. 

4. Get lost in a corn maze. I love doing this, but I really really want to do it at night. Extra scary!

5. Go to a bonfire. Our friends have a fire pit at their house, so I know this will happen before the fall is over. 

6. Bake a pie. Wish me luck, it'll be my first one!

7. Apple picking. It's not really fall until you've plucked a few Macintoshes off a tree. 

8. Go leaf peeping. How touristy, but really, New England is the best place for this. It's magical. 

9. Donate to a food bank. It's good for your community and your soul!

10. Carve/Paint pumpkins and bake the seeds. Because I'm so damn crafty and I love pumpkin seeds!

11. Have a scary movie night. Mike and I have already gotten started on this, but I foresee a full day of scary movies and cuddling on the couch in our pajamas in the very near future. 

Until next time!

Sincerely, Aspen

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