Sep 19, 2013

This or That

It's my birthday! Today I am twenty-four years old. I spent quite a few extra minutes in the mirror today trying to see if I looked any older, but alas, I think I still look twenty-three. I had an amazing day with my boyfriend, with lots of love being sent from my friends and family both close and far away. I took a few photos throughout the day, but I want a little bit more time to write in better detail about everything, so I'll wait and put up my birthday post tomorrow. 

For tonight, I'd like to share a few answers to a survey I found on another blogger's page. I remember answering quite a few of these on myspace (yes, I can admit that). I'm still new to the 'blog world' and I'm having a lot of fun searching around the interweb to find other's online journals!

The Survey

Vacationing in Florida or vacationing in NYC: I've gone on vacation in Florida before, and it was one of the best times I've ever had...but I have to say NYC. I'm in love with the chaos of large cities, and New York really has my heart. 

iPhone or Droid: That's like asking puppies or spiders. iPhone. 

NSYNC or Backstreet Boys: I was in love with the Backstreet Boys, they were my first cassette tape and my first concert! 

Being forced to delete Facebook or being forced to delete Twitter: To be completely honest, I'd love to delete both. Over the past year I've really tried to put some distance between me and the book. 

Fireball or Miller Lite: I don't even know what a Fireball is, but it sounds dangerous! I'm going to go with Miller Lite on this one. I heart beer. 

Full House or Family Matters: Considering I thought I was the long lost Olsen triplet...Full House. 

Dumbledore or Gandalf: Albus, hands down. If you choose Gandalf you "need to sort out your priorities." Ahhh...Potter humor. 

Dying Easter eggs or Carving pumpkins: Pumpkins! You can bake the seeds, and light them up, and decorate your house with them and throw them at oncoming get the picture. 

NFL or NCAAF: What is The Red Sox? (Not a sports junkie)

A hangover forever or sobriety forever: You're killing me! Ugh...I guess sober forever, but I sure would miss my hard ciders. 

January or July: July, no question. I am not a fan of the first 4 months of the year and maybe I'll write about why sometime. 

Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus: I have a very unpopular opinion on this girl, meaning I don't have one. Let her do her thing, it's her life, who are we to judge?

Shark Week or Fashion Week: Sharks in evening gowns. I cannot choose here. 

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Saved by the Bell: Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia, born and raised....

Britney or Christina: Christina's voice. Britney's red leather one piece outfit.  

Burrito or Burrito Bowl: Burrito -> Me. We don't need to bring bowls into this. 

Reading blogs on your phone or reading blogs on your computer:  Computer! I'm so blind that I end up holding my phone right up to my face whenever I'm reading something. I get the strangest looks from people. 

Angelina or Jennifer: I'm no fan of home-wreckers. Gotchya' back Jen. 

Doug Funny or The Rugrats: This is so tough! Looking back, I watched The Rugrats more...I grew up with six younger brothers and I thought I was Angelica Pickles. 

An open mouth chewer or a heavy breather: Ew...I guess a heavy breather, but I can't say I wouldn't go absolutely mad around them. 

I'm off to enjoy the rest of my birthday night!

Until next time-

Sincerely, Aspen

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